Sunday, March 2, 2025

More Than The Madness

     Chapter 1



People like me don't come from any particular place; we are all around the world. We live in every country. We don't have any specific skin color; we share them all. You can't tell that I am any different by looking at me. What sets me apart is what is going on in my mind. I belong to a dreaded world that most people fear and don't understand. There are many labels placed on people with my condition: “crazy,” “lunatic,” “crackers,” “nuts,” “insane,” and “mentally ill.”

I didn't explicitly set out to write a book. I started by writing stories to express what is so deep within my soul. When I shared these stories with friends, we laughed together and reminisced about our common experiences. The book that you hold in your hands was born. It is the story of my life.

You will never completely know who I am by simply reading my tales, but perhaps you will begin to understand. When Jesus was asked, “And who is my neighbor?" he didn't answer the question directly. Instead, he told the story of the Good Samaritan. The parable did more than answer the question. In the same way, I hope my story will help answer the question of what mental illness looks and feels like.

My illness is manic depression caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. I was diagnosed when I was twenty. The year was 1987. Now, it is called by the milder name “bipolar disorder.” Psychiatric disorders are often misunderstood; I was a leper with a hidden disease. One can’t simply look at me and see something wrong, yet my existence has been far from normal.

An X-ray reveals a broken bone, and anyone can see the cast on a leg. Nobody would expect a person with a broken leg to run a marathon. But when someone suffers from an illness like depression, the reality is often denied. "There's nothing wrong with you" or "You're just lazy" are typical comments. Loved ones become frustrated and seem to lack compassion. They can’t see the problem because they can’t get into the person’s mind to experience the battle raging inside. They can’t see the living hell. I’ve walked in those shoes. This is a book of my footprints.

This book is about mental illness, written by one who suffers from it. In these pages I open my life with candidness and honesty. I am not afraid to reveal my soul.

Mental illness needs to be better understood. There are mountains of misinformation about it, and people have lots of questions. Is it treatable? What are the symptoms? Are there different kinds? How does it affect people? There are textbooks you can read to answer those questions. My book is not a clinical book filled with facts and figures but a book of humanity to touch not just the mind but, more importantly, the heart. It not only shows the illness with all its ugliness, but it also reveals the fact that I am a human being, just like you. The illness makes up part of who I am, but it does not define me.

Unlike any physical sickness, mental illness has an attached stigma. As a result, we hide our condition from our neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, and even friends. It's the dirty little secret that the rest of the family doesn't like to talk about. In my experience, if you’re poor, they will call you "crazy," and most likely, you will wind up in a state institution or, worse, a prison. If you're middle class, they will say that you suffer from a “chemical imbalance,” and you will most likely get adequate treatment. If you are rich, you will be called “eccentric” and get the finest treatment. Whatever you call it, most people would like to brush it under the mat, somewhere out of sight.

I hope this book will help change some of these negative perceptions. I have purposely omitted some information to protect people I mention in my story. All of the names, except my own, were changed to conceal identities, even the names of my parents. It is sufficient to say that our home life was unpleasant. The purpose of this book is to heal and not to hurt. I don't want to air dirty laundry. I don't want to expose every last flaw of my parents. Yes, it might be interesting and helpful in explaining my illness, but I will not do it, and it is not necessary.

I am a devout Christian. Without God, the pain of the darkness of night would have crushed my soul and destroyed me. With the help of the Almighty I bore my cross, and many have helped me carry it along the way. It has indeed been a long, strange trip. I am not what the potential of my gifts may have promised, but by what criteria should this be judged? I know without a doubt that I am a better person for what I have gone through. Remember, the measure of a man is not determined only by the distance he travels; the nature of the road must also be considered.

I am forty years old and happily married. I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics. I work full-time as a civil engineer and support myself financially, with my wife Sylvia doing her share to contribute as well. I have come a long way from lying in bed all day, thinking about how I was going to kill myself. I must humbly submit that I have overcome the demons. I am not a hundred percent out of their grasp, but they no longer dictate the terms and conditions of my life. I have progressed beyond many who suffer from the same malady and even some who do not.

There is more to me than the madness. I am a human being just like you. The illness is just another dimension in a complex picture. After you read this book, I hope you will realize that I am not a creature who needs to be locked away from society, as some would demand. I hope you will understand that I am not a bizarre phenomenon. I hope you will see some of yourself in me and realize that we aren't too unalike after all. Most of all, I hope that when you encounter an individual who suffers from a mental illness, you will not ostracize them and consider them second-class or worse.

Many people have helped and supported me in this work, and I thank them. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It has indeed been a labor of love. Be prepared to be challenged. Get ready for your horizons to be broadened. I am going to show you my life, a life that is probably very different from yours. Or maybe it is very similar to yours. If so, I hope my story helps you feel not so alone in your struggles. In sharing my experiences, I have exposed the shadows of deception with the brilliant light of truth. I hope it will set you free. I hope the shackles of prejudice will be cast off.

Check Out More Than The Madness

Shades Of Blue

 Shades Of Blue


By John Kaniecki


There are many shades of blue

And all I recall

Remind me of you


There are many shades of blue

Wide, thin, small and tall

But none of them are true

I see the sky

I cry
I see the ocean deep

I weep

There are many shades of blue

And all I recall

Remind me of you

And how you weren’t true

So what’s a poor boy to do?


There are many shades of blue

And I’d trade a kingdom or two

For one of those days full of charm

When I held you tight in my arms

But the past has fled

And my heart is dead

It is no longer red

But alas

Entrenched in a blue steadfast

There are many shades of blue

And I wish I never knew

Your love so tender and sweet

So in bitter defeat

I lay these words at your feet


There are many shades of blue

And the poet cannot conceive

Or the man of faith believe

Or have a clue

Of the love one can receive

From somebody as wonderful as you

Click Here

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Born to Chase the Wind

Born to Chase the Wind


The dusty old trail is calling me on

Come the morning and I will be gone

And all that will be left of you and me

Will just be a pleasant memory

I never made a promise to you my love

I didn’t take an oath to God above

I’ll remember you I tell you no lie

At least until the next gal comes by


Well I was born to chase the wind

It’s such a sad life my friend

Yeah I was born to chase the wind

And I see that it’s blowing again


I got a pack with a couple of things

I never know what tomorrow brings

Maybe sunshine or clouds overhead

I hope I’m lucky enough to find a bed

No I ain’t a bum don’t you say so

I’m a wandering worker a regular hobo

I’ll clean your house or wash your car

Then I’ll relax and play my guitar


Well I was born to chase the wind

It’s such a sad life my friend

Yeah I was born to chase the wind

And I see that it’s blowing again


My roof is the sky

On green grass I lie

Too tired to weep

Gently I sleep

Dreams inside my mind

Of some better time

Then comes the morn

And I’m back on my journ


Well I was born to chase the wind

It’s such a sad life my friend

Yeah I was born to chase the wind

And I see that it’s blowing again

With you good sir I’ll travel a while

Pass the whiskey and make me smile

I can tell you a tale or sing you a song

It really helps that the liquor is strong

Ever since Adam when he ate from the tree

All that man knew was misery

Talk about woman I think about Eve

If it weren’t for her we’d never grieve


Well I was born to chase the wind

It’s such a sad life my friend

Yeah I was born to chase the wind

And I see that it’s blowing again


Well one day I shall enter my rest

I’ll look God in the eye cause I’ve done my best

I may go to heaven I may go to hell

The future’s uncertain who can tell

But this I know as a solid fact

I’ll have good times for me to look back

Yes I’ll have just one request in the end

O God Allmighty let me catch the wind


Well I was born to chase the wind

It’s such a sad life my friend

Yeah I was born to chase the wind

And I see that it’s blowing again

And I see that it’s blowing again 


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!