Friday, June 1, 2018

The Great $100 Poetry Contest First Place Winner "APOCALYPSE 1914-18" by Fred McIlmoyle

Here is the winner of The Great $100 Poetry Contest!

First of all I must say that it exhibits both rhyming and meter. Using these two elements elevate a poem to a higher height as it is much more challenging to do so. Also, it adds a pleasantness to the sound when read out loud.

The topic is about war, in particular World War 1. It talks about the horrors war inflicted upon both the civilians and the soldiers. It is a relevant message to the state of the ‘endless’ war our world is plunged into. This universal message is reflected in the final line.


I have heard the soldiers singing,
Pure young voices strong and true.
I have heard them speak of valour,
Each man the others must outdo.

I have watched them march to battle
With final thoughts of home and wives,
Realising - for the first time,
They now are fighting for their lives. 

I have seen life standing – leering
While death fondled his barbarous knife;
Watched Apocalyptic horsemen thunder,
savagly through fading halls of night.
I have watched the victims stiffen,
Petrified by loathsome scenes
Sheering through this realm of terror
A figment of evil, demented dreams.

I have wept for souls returning,
Floundering relics of mankind,
Condemned to a living hell they wander 
Seeking a peace they cannot find.

And on.. and on.. time after time.

Fred McIlmoyle

Part of the rules of the contest was to subscribe to the blog. I have no way of checking who in particular did so. But I know from the grand total that less than half of those who entered the contest did subscribe.

So please Fred send me an email at with your Pay Pal email address so I can send you the prize of one hundred dollars. If you neglected to subscribe I will then reach out to you to get an address to send you the prize. 


  1. I am delighted to have won the Great $100 Poetry Contest, With my rhyming style poem `Apocalypse 1914-18` Obviously this form of poetry is still appreciated by knowledgeable judges like John.

    It is also particularly appropriate that it should have been selected in the centenary year of the `Great War`

    Thank you John, I have received the $100 prize with grateful thanks.
