Saturday, January 2, 2016

Capitalism and Socialism Defined

Capitalism and Socialism Defined

          A capitalist looks at the world. Then he says to himself, "How can I capitalize on this situation?" That is how can he take advantage and benefit personally. A socialist however looks at the world and says "How can I help society?" That is he looks at what he can do to benefit the whole.
          Capitalists declare that if there was a free market all would be well. What they are really asking for is a market of license. That is a system where all restraints on business would be removed. This of course would maximize profits. The use of the word 'free' is a perversion of the concept. In America we claim to live in a 'free' society. Yet there are laws that control my behavior. That is I cannot kill, or rape, or steal and so forth. Yet these capitalists want a system in which they are not bound by anything. They preach any control of business is wrong. This is contrary to the very basic notion of civilization. In civilization we create laws for the benefit of all. Whether inspecting food plants for cleanliness or prohibiting monopolies, these things benefit us all. 
          Another myth is that socialism is the robbing of the rich and giving to the poor.  We could all readily agree that there are a lot of things in America that should be collectively supported. The infrastructure is one. Bridges, roads, tunnels, trains, and the ilk are all subsidized by our taxes. Yet we can all readily agree that these things are both mutually necessary and beneficial. Other things like  schools, hospitals, garbage collection, public parks and so forth are beneficial to all. These things would be eliminated in a true capitalistic system. In a socialistic system they would be expanded.
        There is a very simple tenet of Jesus Christ expressed in the Bible. "It is more blessed to give then receive." Ask yourself this question. "If money can bring happiness then why do all these rich people do all sorts of evil coveting more?" You see when you base your self worth on the accumulation of material possessions you will never be happy. Like the heroin junkie you always need more and more to attain the high. Capitalists will never be happy for the god of greed is a cruel master.
          Socialists however are among the happiest people. In fact they have great wealth beyond that of capitalists. When you are in the cut throat world of business no true love exists. Only alliances built on mutual benefit. In true socialism there is an abundance of love. When you give freely to people they in turn will give freely to you. It is a very basic human response. You reap what you sow.
          We must call out capitalism for what it is. The 'worship of money' and 'blatant selfishness'. In return we must defend socialism for what it is. 'The cooperation of the masses contributing freely to the general good.'


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