Monday, August 26, 2024

Endless Ambition

 Endless Ambition

 FAWM  # 29 

Just in and she got up and walked out the door

Read the bulletin she ain’t working here no more

Got a job with the city looking pretty

Good pay he says but Lord ain’t it a pity


Endless ambition find it all around

Endless ambition dig that funky sound

We buried Joyce today God forgive her sin

She was a good woman endless ambition


We’re multiplying life’s an exponential function

Texas engineers building jet bombers for destruction

Here I am stuck on level three fighting a troll

Look Jack he got a big sack hope it’s full of gold


Endless ambition find it all around

Endless ambition dig that funky sound

We buried Joyce today God forgive her sin

She was a good woman endless ambition


I would have sold out but they said you’re asking for too much

The price on the bill if you will was a good woman with tender touch

Joyce is taking a tour of those mansions of glory

Heaven and hell but do you know the real story?


Little angels slowly losing their innocence

Sophie’s crying because life makes no sense

I want to touch their souls show them love

Cryptic Egyptian fractions I’m thinking of


Endless ambition find it all around

Endless ambition dig that funky sound

We buried Joyce today God forgive her sin

She was a good woman endless ambition


At the repass the woman elder had zero class

Reciting banal poetry oh Lord let me pass

Meanwhile with a smile zero the hero scores

It’s a simple equation of money attracts whores.


Endless ambition find it all around

Endless ambition dig that funky sound

We buried Joyce today God forgive her sin

She was a good woman endless ambition


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

I’m Heading Back To Madrid

I’m Heading Back To Madrid

FAWM # 28

Drunk at a bull fight on a Saturday night                              

Picasso was a pilgrim in search of holy light                         

Say no thanks to Franco too much blood spilled                   

The matador was tossed in the air what a thrill                     


I’m heading back to Madrid

Just like my daddy did

I got a small ego and a giant id

I’m heading back to Madrid


Sipping on a beer slipping to somewhere clear

It’s a new age world inflicting original fear

The swastika is being recreated

I wear a gold cross remembering He was hated


I’m heading back to Madrid

Just like my daddy did

I got a small ego and a giant id

I’m heading back to Madrid


Jet black hair a body magical as Spain

Twas love at first sight do I really have to explain

Her name was Maria or so she did tell

We shared the night with a delight of a rebel yell


I’m heading back to Madrid

Just like my daddy did

I got a small ego and a giant id

I’m heading back to Madrid


I launched an armada of Mariachis bands

To sail the high seas to distant lands

In Mexico City pretty girls dance the dance

And me and Maria we were taking a chance


Smuggling guns selling to the highest price

Maria bit the forbidden fruit no more paradise

I’m a sucker and fool hitting the high

No doubt the only way out is to up and die


I’m heading back to Madrid

Just like my daddy did

I got a small ego and a giant id

I’m heading back to Madrid 


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Thursday, August 8, 2024



FAWM # 27 

Barbara was a friend with golden hair

Quick with a smile quicker with a prayer

We’d walk the village to the bagel shop

Two losers finding their way to the top


We were more than a little crazy

There was always Jesus to save me

And if the good Lord couldn’t do the task

There was always Barabra to ask


Life fills popping pills curing ills

Sometimes a movie sometimes stills

What did Rick do on your wedding night

Oh Barbara you know that wasn’t right


We were more than a little crazy

There was always Jesus to save me

And if the good Lord couldn’t do the task

There was always Barabra to ask


Me and Grant smoking cigarettes

Singing his songs without regrets

Stories of times from way back when

With promises of tomorrow and heaven


We were more than a little crazy

There was always Jesus to save me

And if the good Lord couldn’t do the task

There was always Barabra to ask


Life over and I’m only twenty one years old

Too much rebellion too much doing as I was told

There were three Jennifers and none of them cool

We made our own laws but we had no rules


It’s almost seven in the morning day break

Sometimes life gives more than you can take

I remember your happy mother on the phone

So glad to say Barbara has gone home


We were more than a little crazy

There was always Jesus to save me

And if the good Lord couldn’t do the task

There was always Barabra to ask


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Strong Enough To Be Gentle


Strong Enough To Be Gentle

FAWM # 26

Paul Bunyan kicked back with Babe the Blue Ox

They both had muscles like rocks on more rocks

At night they would drink ale and tell tall tales of glory

And this song here is just another story


Are you strong enough to be gentle

Grace to face the weak and temperamental

The battle fought is spiritual and mental

Are you strong enough to be gentle


Well Paul and Babe met up with John Henry on the trail

When along came Johnny Appleseed with a pail

Let’s plant these seeds for the children’s children

From up on high in the sky God gave an Amen!


Are you strong enough to be gentle

Grace to face the weak and temperamental

The battle fought is spiritual and mental

Are you strong enough to be gentle


Well Crazy Horse came riding by a natural hero true

He weeps when the skies are gray and when they’re blue

He said Paul why did the pale face do this evil deed

Paul sighed and cried it was all because of greed


Are you strong enough to be gentle

Grace to face the weak and temperamental

The battle fought is spiritual and mental

Are you strong enough to be gentle


Myths of madness like Judas’s treacherous kiss

Tyrants with iron brains banishing banal bliss

Hey Paul here’s the call freedom’s facing death

A huff and a puff the dragon breathes his breath


On the Great Plains they’re singing songs of romance

On the reservation the Hopi are sharing their dance

Paul answered the call by turning the other cheek

Strong enough to be gentle and blessed are the meek


Are you strong enough to be gentle

Grace to face the weak and temperamental

The battle fought is spiritual and mental

Are you strong enough to be gentle


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Holy Land Ain’t Holy No More

 The Holy Land Ain’t Holy No More

FAWM # 25 

Hell on Earth

Buying weapons

Get your money’s worth

Are these god’s lessons?


My how you lied


In Jerusalem there’s constant war

The holy land ain’t holy no more

Pigs lusting for more and more

The holy land ain’t holy no more


A two thousand pound bomb

Dropped on a mom

Thousands of children slain

And you explain

Self defense

It makes zero sense


In Jerusalem there’s constant war

The holy land ain’t holy no more

Pigs lusting for more and more

The holy land ain’t holy no more

Turn the other cheek

Blessed are the meek

Listen before you speak

But you are weak

All virtue is lost

In this new holocaust


In Jerusalem there’s constant war

The holy land ain’t holy no more

Pigs lusting for more and more

The holy land ain’t holy no more


On lonely Calvary they crucified the messiah

If they tell you different they’re a liar

Forgive them for they know no what they do

Those words are still ringing true


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Just In Case The Generator Explodes

 Just In Case The Generator Explodes

FAWM # 24 

I could have been an engineer singing endless blues

But I couldn’t face my fears and ran to the drugs and booze

Equations of salvation brilliant minds to abuse

We’re getting ready for the next war and we don’t want to lose


I’m sitting by the fire writing romantic odes

Just in case the generator explodes

Down in Galveston they’re receiving illegal loads

Just in case the generator explodes


Pop singers producing mediocre music just to sell

She’s wearing seducing clothes we all can tell

Her manager wears pink suits like a pimp on the run

Making money honey well to him its great fun


I’m sitting by the fire writing romantic odes

Just in case the generator explodes

Down in Galveston they’re receiving illegal loads

Just in case the generator explodes


Somewhere riding the great plains is the ghost of Crazy Horse

Things were bad way back when and now they are worse

The Mississippi River is weeping for her lost

We never talk about the American holocaust


I’m sitting by the fire writing romantic odes

Just in case the generator explodes

Down in Galveston they’re receiving illegal loads

Just in case the generator explodes


And should I buy the two compendiums

You got God’s or the devil’s kingdoms

One is truth the other only lies

Make your choice and be wise


One and one is two and that is basically true

The straight and narrow necessitates only a few

Ron’s soon to call to tell me the events of the day

In the end past the final bend we all exit the same way


I’m sitting by the fire writing romantic odes

Just in case the generator explodes

Down in Galveston they’re receiving illegal loads

Just in case the generator explodes


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!