Sunday, September 22, 2024




This song is a poor song been singing it my whole life long

I’ve been chasing a dream but somewhere it all went wrong

Visited Vegas looking to win the ultimate score

Woke up drunk after being robbed by some second-string whore


Money is a mirage make believe

As you give so shall you receive

Mirages lurk on the distant horizon

You only meet them when you’re dyin’


Hear my melody I’m wondering if you could set me free

You see somebody put me in chains and they took the key

I was rocking in Rome trying to visit the Pope at his home

But the priest at the feast declared I was an unknown


Religion is a mirage make believe

As you give so shall you receive

Mirages lurk on the distant horizon

You only meet them when you’re dyin’


These words are empty words I never found that true love

I searched the valleys low and climbed the mountains above

I once found a doll whom I could call my very best friend

She smiled sweetly and said it completely had to end


Love is a mirage make believe

As you give so shall you receive

Mirages lurk on the distant horizon

You only meet them when you’re dyin’


I heard Budha proclaim this place was all an illusion

But those orange clad monks drove me to confusion

The Dali Lama stays in the finest of suites

And sits with kings and queens while he eats


I wrote my story of glory I’d lay it before you strong

But the publisher gave a rejection citing it was too long

I am a lonesome poet reciting on the corner with a sign

I’ll rhyme for food was my most famous last line


Life is a mirage make believe

As you give so shall you receive

Mirages lurk on the distant horizon

You only meet them when you’re dyin’


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

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