Saturday, March 31, 2018

"Letting It Out" by John Kaniecki

Letting It Out

Prose Poetry

Poetic Observations

Words are nothing more than combinations of letters. Letters are than the rudiments of almost everything. For words are used to describe and analyze. Words are powerful. The pen is mightier than the sword. The victory is won or lost in the mind.

“Letting It Out” combines the world of philosophy with the world of poetry in the context of these modern times. It is an exploration into thinking. The witty words will make you smile while the profound revelations will make you think.

“Letting It Out” is a poet’s personal journey and his candid observations on life. They are reflections of the past and present, pointing to one of our possible futures. “Letting It Out” are words that demanded to be spoken. Words that that insisted to be put into print on the page.

End of the Road

When the road ends you can always make a u turn. Of course the possibility of four wheeling always exists as well. Then there is the natural avenue of a pleasant stroll. The end of the road thus is largely symbolic and not founded so much in reality. Even if you reach an ocean or a large lake there exists the possibility of a ferry. So death is portrayed as beyond the River Styx. Things do end in life. Relationships terminate. Sometimes goodbyes are final. But then again there always remains memory. Like watching a movie over and over on a video tape we can revisit our past. Now new roads, that sounds like an exciting venture.  Race tracks are oval and even if more complex they always form a circuit. So technically some roads have no end but rather are perpetual repetition. But we always have the choice to stop driving, simply to refuse to proceed any further. As a society we are plummeting forward at an alarming rate of speed. While some intend to accelerate our collective advance others with gritty determination dig in their heels to bring the whole thing to a halt. I go one step further for it is my desire to retrace our previous steps. Not quite exactly a u turn but rather a journey in reverse. One final note is that the road may end when there is no more gasoline. In our technical dependence many approach such a notion with trepidation. Yet on the brighter side the roads ends and the path begins. When something is born something must die.

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