Thursday, February 13, 2025

There Must Be Another Way

 There Must Be Another Way


Well nine to five are you really alive             

I wish the dinosaurs had survived                  

I’d get a T Rex to devour my boss                 

That wouldn’t be a terrible loss                     


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


Izzy the spaceman was in a dizzy mood

I’d like to do planet Earth some good

Nuclear fusion would help them in their toil

But all the leaders control by oil


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


I remember Adam Bomb he wasn’t really that cool

Just another face in the yearbook back from high school

Sorry to say the other day Adam went to meet the Lord

Why is it we never think hell’s the eternal reward?


I read the Bible can you say it again?

From Genesis one to Revelation’s amen

Straight and narrow is the path we must find

All others they’re the blind following the blind


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


There is a cross an emblem of dark doom

Death is like fire they both consume

The grave is empty it’s not a lie

The grave is empty and love’s the reason why


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

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