Wednesday, July 31, 2024



FAWM # 23 

Hey Daedalus your black shoes are shiny but you got holes in your soles

And your Mercedes Benz don’t drive it just sort of rolls

Women well you got lovely ladies of every kind

But a good one with an honest tongue they’re so hard to find


Daedalus tell me what you gonna do

When daddy writes his will and it don’t include you

Look up Daedalus the sky is blue

You reap what your sow those words are true


If you meet the green dragon in the dungeon best give him all your gold

Dress fine march in line good fascists do what they are told

Sipping Champaign in vain still you complain about the rain

I could tell you the truth but you won’t let me explain


Daedalus tell me what you gonna do

When daddy writes his will and it don’t include you

Look up Daedalus the sky is blue

You reap what your sow those words are true


Front row at the show but you’re upset you’re not back stage

Like a simmering pot of soup you’re in a constant rage

Oh Daedalus we’re told to look out for number one

But if you do when the night comes you’ll be all alone


Daedalus tell me what you gonna do

When daddy writes his will and it don’t include you

Look up Daedalus the sky is blue

You reap what your sow those words are true


Playing funky sax you can relax

You heard a rumor of Happy Jack

Daedalus don’t worry I got your back

The truth is different from the facts


Winter comes with blasé doldrums year after year

We are intimate strangers close but yet never near

The Earth keeps spinning the devil’s grinning evil is winning

But don’t worry Casey’s at bat in the final inning


Daedalus tell me what you gonna d

When daddy writes his will and it don’t include you

Look up Daedalus the sky is blue

You reap what your sow those words are true


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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Forehead Joy

Forehead Joy

 FAWM  # 22

In the gold of dawn I hear heaven’s voice

But copper sir is my only choice

Rough and tumble rowdy rumble

I walk the straight path but I stumble


I salute you man, woman, girl and boy

A celebration of forehead joy

I seek to conquer but not destroy

A sensation called forehead joy


It’s late my eyelids are heavy like lead

I should be sleeping in my bed

But when the muse hits you ride

When the words roll you don’t hide


I salute you man, woman, girl and boy

A celebration of forehead joy

I seek to conquer but not destroy

A sensation called forehead joy


Teresa is working on Jordan’s Shore

No matter the pay I say you want more

If only Bob Dylan gave up the smokes

If only Walter Maxwell had no jokes


I salute you man, woman, girl and boy

A celebration of forehead joy

I seek to conquer but not destroy

A sensation called forehead joy


And the music plays echoing through the universe

For every blessing there’s an equal opposite curse

Pam died of cancer she never called to say goodbye

Evil Don loves his money in hellfire he will fry


Cryptic messages the market went bull

America the land of the free wicked and cruel

The pauper calls the billionaire a fool

I believe and receive a righteous rule


I salute you man, woman, girl and boy

A celebration of forehead joy

I seek to conquer but not destroy

A sensation called forehead joy 


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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Downtown Ken Brown

Downtown Ken Brown

 FAWM # 21

On the streets the punks are dealing junk

Hot women selling fountains of funk

Showing more than a decent man should see

Crying “Oh la dee, have a little trick with me”

Do you hear?

And nobody messes with Downtown Ken Brown

He’s the king of the hood with a thorny crown

Seek and the truth shall be found

God surely blesses Downtown Ken Brown


The inner city ain’t pretty until you look at the soul

It’s far more than labor and rock and roll they stole

But the beauty survives in rhythmic vibes

There’s something righteous in being happily alive


And poets on the corner in revolutionary anarchy

Crying “Oh la dee, have a little trick with me”

Do you hear?

And nobody messes with Downtown Ken Brown

He’s the king of the hood with a thorny crown

Seek and the truth shall be found

God surely blesses Downtown Ken Brown


Pink Cadillacs and street preachers named Jack

We heard you got the Word so we got your back

Handing out tickets for Jesus and food and clothes

The best blessings are the kindnesses everyone knows


And on the corner are junkies seeking sympathy

Crying “Oh la dee, have a little mercy on me”

Do you hear?

And nobody messes with Downtown Ken Brown

He’s the king of the hood with a thorny crown

Seek and the truth shall be found

God surely blesses Downtown Ken Brown


A man of the streets politics is simply let’s pretend

Every time an election comes you got a friend

Down in Washington FEMA is building crosses

When you’re sacrificing others you don’t count the losses


And on the corner the lambs are crying silently

Crying “Oh la dee, have a little mercy on me”

Do you hear?

And everybody messes with Downtown Ken Brown

He’s the king of the hood with a thorny crown

Seek and the truth shall be found

God surely blesses Downtown Ken Brown


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Friday, July 26, 2024

Do It Again

Do It Again

 FAWM # 20

Astrology sign ‘PSYCHIC READINGS’ flashing neon pink

World’s full of smart people unable to think

At the university they’re memorizing facts

While the celestial stars melt into amber blacks


The alarm goes off at seven a.m.

Gotta get up gotta do it again

Ain’t heard the blue bird since way back when

Gotta get up gotta do it again


Beware of the Ides of March declares the wicked witch

The horny doppelganger makes a honeymoon switch

I don’t care if it ever gets built as long as we get paid

Pete’s Sledge Hammer is a song about getting laid


The alarm goes off at seven a.m.

Gotta get up gotta do it again

Ain’t heard the blue bird since way back when

Gotta get up gotta do it again


Learning to wait on tables keep the coffee full

The joker makes us laugh the king of clubs is cruel

Where has Ollie gone we used to meet at the diner

He’s moved on they say to somewhere much finer


The alarm goes off at seven a.m.

Gotta get up gotta do it again

Ain’t heard the blue bird since way back when

Gotta get up gotta do it again


We’re fighting the war to end all wars

With a rebel yell the devil keeps the scores

Bomb them back to the stone age is the cry

Bomb them and bomb them hate is the reason why


Strawberry fields yields a forgotten harvest of pain

If you learn how to love you won’t live your life in vain

Adam whispers to Eve ‘Honey please don’t touch the fruit’

Slobo the hobo gives the world the one finger salute


The alarm goes off at seven a.m.

Gotta get up gotta do it again

Ain’t heard the blue bird since way back when

Gotta get up gotta do it again 


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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Winding Road

FAWM # 19 

The winding road is a long one

It goes on when the day is done

I keep looking around every bend

Hoping I’ll find a new friend


Step by step I forge ahead

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead

I remember the words the Good Lord said

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead


I’ve walked the winding road years ago

I learned secrets you don’t know

By the Clear Water River in Idaho

I took a drink from the eternal flow


Step by step I forge ahead

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead

I remember the words the Good Lord said

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead


I walked the winding road in my youth

On the winding road I learned the truth

You don’t wage war on the endless trail

Only peace and love are gonna prevail


Step by step I forge ahead

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead

I remember the words the Good Lord said

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead


Thumb extended hoping for a ride

Jesus was innocent it can’t be denied

Thumb extended seeking a ride

Jesus Christ he was crucified


The winding road has been kind to me

On the winding road I was free

I’ll walk the winding road to infinity

Like Robin sang Amen Let it Be


Step by step I forge ahead

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead

I remember the words the Good Lord said

I’ll walk the winding road till I’m dead


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Monday, July 22, 2024

I’m Gonna

I’m Gonna

 FAWM # 18

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Ain’t gonna fight no more

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

I don’t believe in war

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Peace and love are the cure

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Ain’t gonna fight no more


I’m gonna read my Bible

Listen to what Jesus said

I’m gonna read Bible

The poor people need to be fed

I’m gonna read my Bible

I’ll be faithful until I’m dead

I’m gonna read my Bible

Listen to what Jesus said.

I’m gonna kneel down in prayer

Cast to God my every care

I’m gonna kneel down in prayer

I’ll be thinking of you there

I’m gonna kneel down in prayer

God listens I’m well aware

I’m gonna kneel down in praye

Cast to God my every prayer


I’ve been a sinner many years too long

I’ve been a sinner and I’ve done much wrong

I’ve been a sinner but now to God I belong

I’ve been a sinner but I’m singing a new song

I’m gonna love my neighbor no matter what

That’s what the God Lord taught

I’m gonna love my neighbor no matter what

Let all the world’s evil be forgot

I’m gonna love my neighbor no matter what

In the wide way of hatred I won’t be caught

I’m gonna love my neighbor no matter what

That’s what the God Lord taught


I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Ain’t gonna fight no more

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

I don’t believe in war

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Peace and love are the cure

I’m gonna lay down my rifle

Ain’t gonna fight no more 


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The Circle Ends

 The Circle Ends

FAWM # 17

At the pauper’s school camp fires burns bright

Jeremiah said to Baruch write boy write

I’m a fighter jet pilot looking to score

They say we love you but dig Isaiah more

Drop the bombs let the missiles fly

I ain’t an infidel though I really try


And we all know the circle ends

Dreamers are schemers she pretends

If we’re not lovers lets be friends

And we all know the circle ends


There are two sides of the story quote the youth

Yours ain’t mine and neither is the truth

Coleman was a soul man preaching hard

He didn’t have a license only a business card

Willow whistles like the west wind blows

Secrets by definition nobody knows


And we all know the circle ends

Dreamers are schemers she pretends

If we’re not lovers lets be friends

And we all know the circle ends


Free will necessitates we all do wrong

Fat Friar Freddy sings a peculiar song

Cease and desist I hope you’ll resist

I drink vodka straight with a lemon twist

Loaded and locked sir we’re ready to kill

The general smiles war is such a thrill


And we all know the circle ends

Dreamers are schemers she pretends

If we’re not lovers lets be friends

And we all know the circle ends


Little Willie is a sorry silly thing

He wears a crown but he ain’t a king

I wanna get wet I don’t regret high school

Carrying cash and hash don’t make you cool

Willow smiles saying Jeremiah come on in

If you say a prayer before is it a sin?\


And we all know the circle ends

Dreamers are schemers she pretends

If we’re not lovers lets be friends

And we all know the circle ends


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Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Tiny Pill

 A Tiny Pill

 FAWM #16

I heard no words

I only saw faceless memories in digital black and white

I had no friends

Only ladies of the evening auctioning off their delight


And it was such a tiny pill

Who knew it could kill

It was such a tiny pill

Packed with an Almighty thrill


Pop singer ain’t no hero

Martin was a big spender he signed the magical line

Pop singer equals zero

He mockingly laughed at Natasha’s sister it’s all mine


And it was such a tiny pill

Who knew it could kill

It was such a tiny pill

Packed with an Almighty thrill


The church taught no truth

The so-called priest at the feast made me confess face to face

Who isn’t ignorant at youth

I was yearning burning concerning the elements of grace


And it was such a tiny pill

Who knew it could kill

It was such a tiny pill

Packed with an Almighty thrill


And if I only knew that dreams could come true I’d have become a rock and roll star

And if I only knew that dreams could come true I’d have gotten an electric guitar

But father wanted me to be a scientist his soul had been sold

And father wanted me to be an alchemist and turn lead into gold


I don’t believe I’ve done wrong

Cryptic clues confusing abusing with magical metaphors

You’re just a line in the song

I weep deeply as syringes wash up on the fabled Jersey shores


And it was such a tiny pill

Who knew it could kill

It was such a tiny pill

Packed with an Almighty thrill


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Friday, July 19, 2024

Money Is Green

 Money Is Green

 FAWM # 15

It’s a game we play it only to win                          

We’re America we cannot sin                                

The world is ours for us to enjoy                           

The world is ours for us to destroy                        


Money is green dirty and obscene

Money is green it defines the scene

Money is green you know what I mean

Money is green no blues in between


The banks are Satan seeking complete control

The banks are Satan they have no soul

Come inside we’re glad to give you a loan

What’s yours is ours let it be known


Money is green dirty and obscene

Money is green it defines the scene

Money is green you know what I mean

Money is green no blues in between


Soon the Amazon will be a thing of the past

In Fukushima waters still leaking fast

Digits increasing on the video screen

Digits increasing more money green


Money is green dirty and obscene

Money is green it defines the scene

Money is green you know what I mean

Money is green no blues in between


Hear me scream hear my howl this is living hell

There’s not one human being who is doing well

Mother Earth is slowly being crucified to death

The truth can’t be denied in every polluted breath


I’ll write a song speak what’s on my mind

I won’t hate I strive always to be kind

This generation is deaf and blind

The next generation will be left behind


Money is green dirty and obscene

Money is green it defines the scene

Money is green you know what I mean

Money is green no blues in between


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Thursday, July 18, 2024

An Ode To Woody

An Ode To Woody

 FAWM #14

My tears have mingled with the rain                      

All our fears were absurd and insane                     

We searched for the dream all in vain                    

Only a poet could adequately explain                    


Bob Dylan couldn’t sell out don’t you see

He never had the Spirit of Woodie Guthrie

Only a pop singer with tricky words

And Woody he lived a life worthy to be heard


I’ve walked the streets they call the hood

Talked to the bad and sung with the good

At college I majored in pain

Only a poet could adequately explain


Bob Dylan couldn’t sell out don’t you see

He never had the Spirit of Woodie Guthrie

Only a pop singer with tricky words

And Woody he lived a life worthy to be heard


Policeman was never the worker’s friend

Charities dwell in the let’s pretend

I could expose Satan but I’ll refrain

Only a poet could adequately explain


Bob Dylan couldn’t sell out don’t you see

He never had the Spirit of Woodie Guthrie

Only a pop singer with tricky words

And Woody he lived a life worthy to be heard


This train is bound for glory

Today right now I’m living the story

Standing on the backs of hobos before me

This train is bound for glory


Soon the wind is going to blow

The world is the stage ready for the show

Soon the truth of the cross will be plain

Only a poet could adequately explain


Bob Dylan couldn’t sell out don’t you see

He never had the Spirit of Woodie Guthrie

Only a pop singer with tricky words

And Woody he lived a life worthy to be heard 


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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Nobody Nowhere


Nobody Nowhere

 FAWM #13 

Back in nineteen eighty-three living a prayer                   

I was just another nobody nowhere                                 

You were a supernova a bursting star                              

And through my glasses I loved you from afar                 


When you smiled I melt

You never knew how I felt

I was nobody nowhere

Just another nobody nowhere


You were a beauty queen a magical teen

Laughing out loud so popular at the scene

I was part of the crowd an extra on stage

My fantasy book featured you on every page


When you smiled I melt

You never knew how I felt

I was nobody nowhere

Just another nobody nowhere


Strange how things change you’re a pudgy mother of three

I grew wings learning the secrets of being free

I threw the dice so desperate in the game

The past holds tight and fast but it ain’t the same


When you smiled I melt

You never knew how I felt

I was nobody nowhere

Just another nobody nowhere


I wonder if you’ll ever hear this song on the radio station

How I found the Love of God and the secret of salvation

How all of my dreams they finally came true

All of my dreams baby except the one of me and you


So look at the chorus girls and those front row

They’re dying crying for just a single go

A grand finale the crowd melts into a scream

I reached the highest high still short of the dream


When you smiled I melt

You never knew how I felt

I was nobody nowhere

Just another nobody nowhere


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Love Is A Simple Song

 Love Is A Simple Song

 FAWM # 12

I love you and you love me

That’s the way life should be

Be kind in word and deed

I’ll serve you meet your need


Love is a simple song

Hold my hand weak or strong

In my arms you belong

Love is a simple song


Together forever man and wife

Together forever for all our life

We made a promise we shall keep

Our foundation is dug deep


Love is a simple song

Hold my hand weak or strong

In my arms you belong

Love is a simple song


Tomorrow is a mystery I know

We got a history to show

The winds of change let them blow

Hold on baby never let go


Love is a simple song

Hold my hand weak or strong

In my arms you belong

Love is a simple song 


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Monday, July 15, 2024

Zombie Acropolis

 Zombie Acropolis

FAWM # 11

Simmering in the ashes agony never relents                          

This time around the mighty Ninevah never repents             

Living hell sitting in the shells of a once great city               

In the boiling river sits the Statue of Liberty                         


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


“My button is bigger than yours” boasted an ancient ghost

“I really do hate you” she replied “I hate you the most”

And I guess the abortion question mattered so much more

If Baby Ken had just got that chance he’d have been antiwar


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


The line to heaven’s backed up all the way to Gehenna

Rome is in ruins Sicily sunk there’s still some Vienna

Red Square in Moscow has acquired a righteous neon glow

And at the equator we’re experiencing ample snow


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


And the headlines scream world war has begun

Generals rejoiced crying “We’re gonna have some real fun”

Missiles flying people dying babies crying what a mess

Satan won but even the devil’s looking for God to bless


Babylon is burst it’s the worst of our naughty nightmares

Roger you watched too much t.v. while you forgot your prayers

Don’t you dare blame me I donated to channel thirteen

Dinosaurs are laughing digging the apocalyptical scene


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


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Saturday, July 13, 2024

We Were Young

 We Were Young

FAWM # 10

We didn’t know the truth but we saw the lie        

No one gave any answers when we asked why     

So we cried as we tried to reach the sky              

We had a good time baby getting high          


Love was a loose word on my tongue

Those years ago when we were young

Oh we had a song to be sung

In those days when we were young


Dancing romancing discovering about love

Kissing you sweetly completely the moon above

In the backseat of my car we took it far

Looking back I wished I learned the guitar


Love was a loose word on my tongue

Those years ago when we were young

Oh we had a song to be sung

In those days when we were young


We had wings but we feared leaving the ground

In a world lost where would the secrets be found

I held your hand we shared a common cause

Who were these teachers with their wicked laws


Love was a loose word on my tongue

Those years ago when we were young

Oh we had a song to be sung

In those days when we were young


If I could travel back in time I wouldn’t change a single thing

Now the blast of the past is simply about a crime I sing

Listen teens new to the scene understand I walked in your shoes

You got pop music and rock but only the old know the blues


Why do the good things simply fade to black

It’s hard even for the memories to come back

Trapped in the very future we feared to come

The slavedriver beats on his wicked drum


Love was a loose word on my tongue

Those years ago when we were young

Oh we had a song to be sung

In those days when we were young


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Friday, July 12, 2024

Dream Of Love

Dream Of Love

 FAWM #9

I had a dream of love that was true

Living nightmares mocked by evil stares seemed no one cares

I had a dream of love was that you?

Shut away from the light of day reciting endless prayers

I had more than my share of fights

How I cried away those lonely nights

I had a dream of love that was true

A tiny child I was so wicked and wild

Dreaming was about all I could do


I had a dream of a love that was true

Got the keys to the car drove it miles near and far

Searching the ebony heavens for some fatalistic star

I had a dream of love was that you?

So awkward and paranoid destroyed like a freak in a bizarre

Life had lessons but I didn’t have a clue

At eighteen they said you’re a man but I was still a boy

God is full of grace with smiles on His face I was a loner without joy

I had a dream of love that was true

The sinners are many the winners so few


I had a dream of love that was true

The perfect fool I went to school neat and clean

Forged to be a cog in some cosmic crushing machine

I learned the lessons of you’ll understand when you’re older

That humanity was a war and every night growing colder

I was lost in spiritual holocaust counting the cost

Mid July I wanted to die my heart a victim of bitter frost

I had a dream of love like a bird that flew


I had a dream of love was that true

You appeared a purple vision hotter than a sweltering summer day

One night we took a walk of delight sharing the now

I became alive gone was the jive of why and how

You gave me the sign of make me mine and have your way

But dreams are perfect scenes so I let the moment pass

Life kept us living you stopped giving now it’s the past

I had a dream of love that was true

When dreams die what are you supposed to do? 


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