Saturday, December 31, 2022




By John Kaniecki


Mister Grumblecock was a traveling salesman

A dinosaur in this virtual age of click and buy

But he is an element in the overall Master Plan

A first hand witness who can effectively lie

All the while keeping a smile upon his face


Mister Grumblecock is a man of luxury

Who will not settle for the common whore

While drowning himself with martinis into obscurity

His sole desire is more, more and of course more

Like a false gospel with promises void of grace


Biztopian experts desire an asphalt domain

A world where digits on a computer are supreme

“It is good for business” no reason to explain

Efficiency and compliance the ultimate dream

Who cares if Mother Earth has a desecrated face?


Mister Grumblecock is experienced in the deal

Weapons, narcotics, sex slaves, it’s all the same

At the end of the day nothing is truly real

Everybody is a piece in a gigantic chess game

What is wrong with keeping the poor in their place?


Mister Grumblecock sits riding in a jet plane

Lusting after the stewardess desiring a tryst

He is a fine businessman, what more to explain?

Still in his mind a lingering doubt does persist

Exactly why is he running so hard in this race?


Mister Grumblecock died of a heart attack

Not a single person cared enough to mourn

In this world of life we can never go back

It’s a one way street from the day we’re born

Mister Grumblecock always the Jack never the ace

Check out Poet To The Poor


A Poem of the Year

 A Poem of the Year


by John Kaniecki


My words are an April shower

A flash of subtle power

A sudden surge not to forget

Leaving you wet


My stanza's are the sun's glory

Radiating rich in story

Eternal as the day

So I say


My rhyme is a blizzard's snow

A cruel cold chill

Never letting go


The beauty of the white wintery dream

Crystal gleam


My poems are autumn's leaves

For one who believes

Red, yellow, brown

Nature's splendid crown

At my best

The Lord's harvest 

Check Out Bells and Whistles, Thorns and Thistles

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Blue Trombones

 Blue Trombones


by John Kaniecki


Blue trombones




Genocide to gentrification

Haunting taunting names



Bert's Sushi Restaurant

Five star delight

On Malcolm X Boulevard

Apollo was a hoax

And God


I gaze upon His sorrowful face

As the pristinely uniformed corporal

Plays taps

As a marching band so grand

Carefully, cautiously side steps

The unconscious husk

Of the deluded mercenary

Long forgotten

Touted once as a local hero

Picture in the local paper

Who paid the ultimate sacrifice

As poverty licks

Like Jack Frost's dog

Bitterly count the cost




As mournful widows dressed in black

Salute flags of agony

Wailing in bitter moans


With blind philosophers

Smoking bones

Rat-tat tapping to the tones

Sad sympathetic synchronized notes


Blue trombones 

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